Branta Canadensis
Canada Goose Coexistence Plan
First designed for the Sobrato Foundation properties in 2012
Canada Goose are found in open, grassy habitats such as grasslands, chaparral, the arctic tundra, and in areas near waterways. They also inhabit man-made landscapes that are open and grassy, has artificial lakes and fountains such as business parks, golf courses, agricultural land, airports and public parks.
These areas provide them with ample food, water and nesting sites. This brings to mind the adage “if you build it, they will come.” People create optimal habitats for wildlife such as geese, but when they come and utilize the areas, there is very little tolerance for their presence, and they want them removed immediately.
Most complaints about the geese are from residents and businesses that are frustrated with their “droppings” at specific sites where they loaf and feed. Geese occasionally nest in shrubbery, near buildings or parking lots and their behavior may be interpreted as being “aggressive” when they try and protect their young from people who get too close to nesting areas. Canada geese are also a cause of concern around airports because of their flight path through commercial airspace, and they may sometimes cause damage to crops through raiding and trampling.
The most common way communities deal with Canada goose conflicts is to round up entire flocks of geese when they are molting and flightless during the months of June and July, and gas them to death. But this lethal tactic is a temporary solution at best, since other flocks always move in to fill the vacancy.
Most of the 11 subspecies of Canada goose are encountered in the lower 48 States -during the fall, winter and spring of the year and migrate to the arctic and sub-arctic regions of Canada and Alaska to nest.
Resident geese populations do not migrate, nesting within the lower 48 States during the months of March, April, May, and June.
Our program is tailored to resolve conflicts by modifying nuisance behavior to minimize or completely eliminate unsightly droppings, reduce damage to crops, and address human-safety concerns around airfields.
To find out more information about this Plan, please contact us at:
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