Little Blue Society – Human-Animal Conflict Resolution
As human populations continue to expand and natural habitats are lost, human-animal conflicts are increasing throughout the world. Little Blue Society is a grass-roots, non-profit organization that pioneers cutting-edge behavioral strategies to permanently resolve human-animal conflicts over geographical areas and resources

Our Flagship Project
Using stimulus control to stop the fence-breaking, crop-raiding behavior of older bull elephants called Habitual Raiders
The Guardian Shepherd Program
The Guardian Shepherd Program (GSP) was the first comprehensive non-lethal livestock protection program in North America. This plan was included in the Marin County’s Marin County Livestock and Predator Protection Plan. Read about how this ecologically responsible and wildlife-friendly ranching program is stopping human-animal conflicts with predators and helping ranchers improve productivity in West Marin CA
Coyote Coexistence Plan
First designed for San Mateo County Parks and Recreation in 1998. Read about how this model program is helping numerous cities and counties throughout North America stop human-animal conflicts with coyotes by naturally stabilizing their numbers, and teaching the public to safely coexist with this highly adaptable species
Cougar Conservation and Coexistence Plan
First designed for Santa Clara County and Woodside Hills. Learn about how this model program is promoting conservation of the species, and stopping human-animal conflicts with cougars through habitat modification, first-responder training and community education
African Lion Conservation and Coexistence Plan
First designed for Mwenge, Kenya in 2011 when a woman was fatally mauled by an injured lioness. Learn more about how this model program reduces retaliatory killing of lions, and promotes lion conservation by protecting people and livestock
Elephant Behavior Modification Plan
First International program to be designed for Laikipia County in Kenya that modifies the crop-raiding behavior of older bull elephants known as “Habitual Raiders” (HRs) using stimulus control. Our applied research has the dual effect of turning “problem” individuals into targets for conservation and demonstrating that learning by HRs is effective for immediate and sustained reduction of destructive events
Raccoon Coexistence Plan
First designed for the Fiesta Gardens Community in San Mateo County, CA. to stop damage to property caused by raccoons seeking harborage and food. The program is designed to promote tolerance and stop the lethal removal of raccoons and other small mammals deemed “pests”
Boar Coexistence Plan
First designed for the Mid-Peninsula Open Space Agency, CA to mitigate damage, and reduce human-animal conflicts with feral pigs by naturally reducing populations and protecting biologically sensitive areas
Pigeon Coexistence Plan
First designed for the City of San Jose, CA. This model program mitigates human-animal conflicts with pigeons by naturally controlling their numbers and by training pigeons to roost in designated areas away from sensitive sites
Deer Habitat Modification and Coexistence Plan
First designed for The Villages in 2007, a thousand acre gated community in San Jose, CA. Read more about this program that naturally reduces the number of resident deer, minimizes damage to gardens, and promotes human safety while allowing people to enjoy the beauty of their presence, and decide if this is a program you would like tailored to your area
Coyote Habitat Conservation and Modification Plan
First program to be designed in North America to permanently reduce conflicts with coyotes and to elevate the status of the species to “contributing citizens” by using resident populations as surrogates of large-scale conservation planning by Cities and Counties to restore biotic communities in natural areas and open space
Bear Conservation and Coexistence Plan
First introduced in Nevada, this program minimizes human-animal conflicts with bears by using diversionary strategies, behavior modification through stimulus control, and by educating the public on the most current methods to avoid conflicts
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To create a just balance between meeting current human needs
and preserving the Wild for future generations to come.