Civilized Solutions for a Civilized World Sustaining a Healthy Coexistence
Between Humans & Animals
through Science, Innovation and
We Transform Conflict
into Sustainable,
Beneficial Coexistence
Creating a just Balance Between
Meeting Current Human Needs
and Preserving the Wild for
Future Generations to Come

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Ovis aries, Capra aegagrus hircus, Bos taurus

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Ovis aries, Capra aegagrus hircus, Bos taurus

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Little Blue Society – Human-Animal Conflict Resolution

As human populations continue to expand and natural habitats are lost, human-animal conflicts are increasing throughout the world. Little Blue Society is a grass-roots, non-profit organization that pioneers cutting-edge behavioral strategies to permanently resolve human-animal conflicts over geographical areas and resources

We Design
community-based species conservation programs that protect wildlife habitat, biodiversity and build human capacity. We specialize in the management of high-conflict species that are both abundant and endangered (IUCN Red List), while protecting human lives, livelihoods and economic activities
We Modify
human behavior through education, and apply VEXING™ to change individual or group wildlife behavior that is problematic in the human landscape i.e., conditioned behavior to anthropogenic sources of food: livestock, crops and pets
We Train
law enforcement, animal control and wildlife agencies on using cutting-edge behavioral modification tools to effectively mitigate conflicts with wildlife and manage public encounters with animals deemed a human-safety concern
We Create
win-win solutions for both people and animals

Our Flagship Project

Using stimulus control to stop the fence-breaking, crop-raiding behavior of older bull elephants called Habitual Raiders